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Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Another month ends and been in too much shock to whinge a lot but its upon me now. Damn the Council that won't dynamite the URUNGA SEA LIDO and give us a swimming pool again. And wants to pull out fine old trees and create an URBAN CAFE PRECINCT in Bellingen. I feel really gripey at the moment - a mixture of grief, legit protest and a grumbling nature. 
I have to find a new place to live and go through all the Dept of Housing begging and pleading and Pension explaining and I feel sick with the very prospect of it. Promises evaporate and dreams shimmer away. 
The Phone crackles and I can't hear people talk. The mobiles pick up only at non specific times in non specific places and Internet Broadband is available only right near the towns and telephone exchanges. 
I feel old and tired and over IT. Just for now. 
I am going swimming with my girl and her girl and maybe the tide will be right. Maybe not. 
Tonight I am to do a work dinner for Izzy and I might - or I might not. I don't like the Welfare Industry. 

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