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Monday Message Board
Another Monday Message Board. Post comments on any topic. Civil discussion
and no coarse language please. Side discussions and idees fixes to the
Stockton Beach revisited
Back in 2008, I carried a post, New England Story - Stockton Beach, telling
a little of the story of Stockton Beach.
*Photo: Cabins threatened following ...
Look Down
Whoops! I missed the theme day. Too busy galavanting on the other side of
the world. I discovered that wifi alone doesn't cut the mustard (in UK,
Theme Day - Looking Down
Taken from the top of the southern pylon of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Looking due east, down the harbour, out to the Pacific Ocean.
This post is my contr...
The unique and practical in selling your community
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Over twelve months ago, I left you stranded with a promise to write more
about Broken Hill. Sadly, events intervened!
This photo is ta...
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